The revised draft basic assessment report for the proposed mixed-use development on Cape Farm 738 and 767 in Philippi, Cape Town is being made available for a 30-day commenting period. The commenting period commences on 21 September 2018 and closes on 22 October 2018. Should you wish to submit a comment or register as an Interested and Affected Party you may e-mail: or call: 021 422 0999 before 22 October 2018.
A revised Draft Basic Assessment Report has been compiled as part of the environmental assessment process being undertaken for the proposed mixed-use development on Cape Farms 738 and 767, in Philippi, Cape Town.
Finishing Touch Trading (Pty) Ltd is the owner of Cape Farms 738 and 767 is proposing a mixed-use development comprising a residential component in the form of lower-middle income housing, a small retail component, open space, sustainable drainage systems (SUDS, a community facility, a soccer field, and agricultural land for active farming. The proposed site is currently zoned for agricultural use, and is 36.24 hectares in extent (CA 738 and 767 are approximately 14.37 ha and 21.87 ha, respectively). The proposed site is located within the north-western portion of the Philippi Horticultural Area (PHA).
Portions of Cape Farm 738 are currently used for horticultural and residential purposes, while most of Cape Farm 767 is currently unutilised. The northeast corner of Cape Farm 738 is occupied by a farmhouse and livestock facilities. A row of workers’ houses is present along an internal north-south road in the centre of Cape Farm 738. There are no current residential uses on Cape Farm 767, but a group of structures is present at the southern boundary, abutting Ottery Road. wetlands are present on the site.
The National Environmental Management Act, 1998, as amended, and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulations, 2014, as amended, require that a Basic Assessment of the proposed development be undertaken. The proposed development includes activities 12, 19, and 28, of Listing Notice 1 (GNR No. 327) of the 2014 Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, as amended.
The proposal will result in the infilling of modified artificial wetlands and a portion of the large wetland south of the site. In terms of the Water Act (Act 36 of 1998), Section 21 (c) and (i) are applicable and refer to the impeding of diverting the flow of water in a watercourse, and altering the bed, banks, course or characteristics of a watercourse, respectively. A water use application will therefore be submitted to the Department of Water and Sanitation.
Two alternatives in design and layout have been formulated. The proposed development entails the following:
1. Residential Units
A number of residential development parcels are proposed across the western portion of the site adjacent to Strandfontein Road. Alternative A consists of approximately 1 275 residential sectional units and Alternative B consists of 1 274 residential sectional units. These residential developments have been configured to overlook adjacent public open spaces and to have more private internal courtyard spaces, offering both parking and play space at ground level. To achieve an appropriate gradation of densities, the courtyard blocks are 4 to 5 storeys along the Strandfontein Road edge, dropping to 2 to 4 storeys approaching the agricultural (eastern) portion of the site. For Alternative C 750 residential units are proposed and is made up of walk-ups, simplex apartments, town houses and free standing plots. A small village node is proposed southeast of the site comprising semi-detached units for those currently living on the site. Development parcels A to D are located along Strandfontein Road. The development ranges between 3 to 5 storeys. A total of 750 units are proposed with a total extent of 23 020 m2.
For Alternative C, development parcel A to D each have a clubhouse facility 80m2 in extent. Development parcel E and F have clubhouses 200 m2 in extent and parcel G has a clubhouse 240 m2 in extent. Parcel I is a community facility 660 m2 in extend.
2. Commercial / Retail Components
The mixed-use development parcel aims to engage with the public domain through the provision of retail space on the ground floor, behind a public arcade edge. For Alternative A and B, provision has been made for a public market place close to Strandfontein Road. For Alternative C, Parcel B has a retail component which is 1200 m2 in extent and parcel J has a commercial component of 280 m2 in extent.
3. Open Space
Alternative A
The east-west access corridor in Alternative A is wider than that of Alternative B, creating a larger visual and spatial gateway into the PHA. This corridor includes a public market place with a forecourt, and is aligned to the historic access road through the site. This corridor is envisaged as a continuous green strip, which draws the public eye into the PHA, using low landscape elements such as aloe planting. A soccer field is positioned in the south-western corner of the site and allows for views into the agricultural portion of the site. This alternative provides for a broad green strip along Strandfontein Road.
Alternative B
The main east-west access corridor is narrower in Alternative B than in Alternative A and accommodates the market place. This corridor offers a narrower view from Strandfontein Road through to the agricultural area behind the buildings, and less open space for use by the new residential community. Instead of the green strip along Strandfontein Road, Alternative B has a central north-south green spine.
Alternative C
The green spaces are configured differently to that of Alternative A and B. These spaces are designed as interlocking fingers which includes swales, wetlands and open space. The open spaces are created to allow for visual gateways into the PHA from Strandfontein Road providing a view of the agricultural land to the east of the site. This alternative has a green strip along Strandfontein Road, providing a green edge and also has green strips running in an east-west direction between the development parcels. A sportsfield is located south of the site overlooking the large wetland area.
4. Agricultural land
Much of the site has been laying fallow for several years and not cultivated because of continued issues of theft. Up until the late part of 2017, only 3 hectares of the site was being farmed. The tenant farmer has since left the site. This proposed development ensures that a substantial portion of the site, approximately 13.5 hectares of the site (for alternatives A and B), and 15.4 hectares of the site (for Alternative C), is kept aside for the sole purpose of agricultural activity. In addition, it is proposed that the agricultural area will be managed by a single concessionaire to efficiently manage this land. Thereby more land will be cultivated through the proposed development than what there is currently under cultivation. This is true for all alternatives.
5. Other
Stormwater management
The water table of the area is shallow. Surface and groundwater interaction is highly likely on the site. To ensure that this interaction is not lost during the operational phase, a stormwater management system has been integrated into the proposal. This is true for both alternatives.
Natural areas
Several watercourses are present on site – both artificial and natural. The site is however characterised by a large wetland to the south. All watercourses will be infilled except this large wetland as it is of high ecological value and function. This is true for both alternatives.
In the No-go alternative, development of the site will not take place and the site will remain in its current state.
Public participation is a key component of the Basic Assessment process as it introduces the proposed development to the public and provides an opportunity for comments and concerns to be raised. Below outlines what has been undertaken and what is being undertaken during this second public participation iteration.
• Pre-Application Public Participation
Four focus group meetings were held between 20 March and 06 June 2017. Meetings were held with Western Cape Government Department of Agriculture, Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, key groups, and the Ward Councillor.
• Pulication (Formal) Phase: 1st Public Participation Exercise
The broad public were notified and invited to a public forum in the following manner:
• Placement of media notices in two local newspapers the City Vision Lagunya on Tuesday 12 October 2017 and in the People’s Post Grassy Park on 17 October 2017
• Placement of site notices on the boundary of the site
• Placement of copies of the draft BAR on The Environmental Partnership’s website,, and at the Ottery Library (C/o of Bruce Ave & Edward Ave) for the duration of the 30 day commenting period
• A Public Forum in the form of an Open House was held on 25 October 2017 from 3.30 pm to 7:00 pm at the Ottery Sports and Recreation Centre on the Corner of Bruce and Edward Avenue
For identified I&APs:
• Distribution of an Information sheet (summary of the draft BAR) to directly adjacent landowners and occupiers and all identified key Interested and Affected Parties.
• Distribution of copies of the BAR to relevant Organs of State for comment
The 30-day commenting period commenced on 17 October 2017 and closed on 17 November 2017. Comments received were addressed.
• Second Public Participation Exercise
The revised BAR will be made available to registered I&APs and Organs of State for perusal and comment by the following means:
• Distribution of an Information sheet (summary of the revised BAR) to directly adjacent landowners and occupiers, and registered Interested and Affected Parties
• Distribution of copies of the BAR to relevant Organs of State for comment
• Placement of copies of the draft BAR on The Environmental Partnership’s website,, for the duration of the 30 day commenting period
• The 30-day commenting period will commence on 21 September 2018 and close on 22 October 2018
The potential impacts identified to date include the following:
Design and Planning Phase
• Loss of artificial wetlands
• Impact of natural wetlands
• Archaeological or paleontological impact
• Visual impact
• Architectural/cultural landscape impact
• Food security within the PHA
Construction Phase:
• Noise and dust impacts during construction
• Increased traffic congestion during construction
• Job creation during the construction phase
• Water quality impairment
• Waste management
• Sediment and litter impacts on the wetland
• Stormwater management
Operational phase:
• Modification or loss of aquatic habitat
• Loss of agricultural land within the PHA
• Social impact of the proposed development
• Traffic impacts during the operational phase of the development
• Water quality impairment
• Flow modification operation
• Compatibility with surrounding land uses
The draft BAR has been revised and is being made available for a 30-day commenting period to the registered I&APs and relevant Organs of State. At the end of the commenting period, all comments will be captured and addressed in a comments and response table which will be included in the final BAR for submission to the competent authority for a decision. The commenting period is from 21 September 2018 to 22 October 2018.
Comments on this report must be submitted on or before 22 October 2018 to:
The Environmental Partnership
Kim Williams
P O Box 945, Cape Town, 8000
Tel: 021 422 0999; Fax 021 422 0998
- Status:Final Basic Assessment Report
- Start date:Friday, 21 September 2018
- End date:Monday, 22 October 2018
Download attachments:
- Revised Basic Assessment Report
- Appendix A – EAP details and expertise
- Appendix B – Locality Map
- Appendix C(i) – Alternative A site plan
- Appendix C(ii) – Alternative B site plan
- Appendix C (iii) – Alternative C site plan
- Appendix_D_-_Engineering_Services_report.pdf
- D1_-_C15072_-_CoCT_-_2018-08-31_-_Catchment_Storm_and_River_Letter.pdf
- D2_-_Fig_1._Water_plan_book_CTN-AB123.pdf
- D3_-_Fig_2._Water_plan_book_CTN-AB124.pdf
- D4_-_Fig_3._Sanitation_plan_book_CTN-AB123.pdf
- D5_-_Fig_4._Sanitation_plan_book_CTN-AB124.pdf
- Appendix_E_-_PPP_Report_1.pdf
- Appendix_F_-_HWC_Interim_Comment.pdf
- Appendix_G_-_Transport_Impact_Assessment_1.pdf
- Appendix_H_-_Electrical_Services_Report.pdf
- Appendix_Ii_Sensitivity_Map.pdf
- Appendix_Iii_Sensitivity__Map.pdf
- Appendix_J_-_Site_Photographs.pdf
- Appendix_K_-_Geohydrological_Report.pdf
- Appendix_Li_-_Freshwater_Assessment.pdf
- Appendix_Lii_-_Freshwater_Report_Addedndum.pdf
- Appendix_M_-_HWC_NID_Response.pdf
- Appendix_Ni_-_Heritage_Impact_Assessment-compressed.pdf
- Appendix_Nii_-_Heritage_Impact_Assessment_Supplementary.pdf
- Appendix_Oi_-_Archaeological_Study.pdf
- Appendix_Oii_-_Architectural_Study.pdf
- Appendix_Oiii_-_Visual_Study.pdf
- Appendix_Pi_-_HWC_Final_Comment.pdf
- Appendix_Pii_-_HWC_reasons_to_final_comment.pdf
- Appendix_Piii_-_Heritage_Specilaist_responding_letter_to_HWC_final_comment_.pdf
- Appendix_Qi_-_Electrical_Services_Capacity_Letter.pdf
- Appendix_Qii_-_Civil_services_capacity_confirmation.pdf
- Appendix_R_-_DWS_Comment.pdf
- Appendix_S_-_Environmental_Management_Programme.pdf